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YukosanJun 13, 2009

It's quite alright. \:\) I'm sorry to hear that the trip wasn't that great \:eek\: that is a bummer when something like that turns out to be all... bleh. But on the plus side, like you said, school is out \:D \:\) such a nice feeling, knowing that you don't have to worry about getting all the work done and stuff \;\)

WarrayfinsonJun 12, 2009

HHHHEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! \:P \:D *Dances!* My god, how long has it been? A MONTH ?! Sorry I haven't been on in such a long time, my life has been a rollcoaster with school work and few friendship issues. Anyway, I just posted in the next chapter of Forgotten Redemption, hopefully it'll be out tommorow. So what about you? How are you? \:\)

shaml_sim Jun 12, 2009

Hey, thanks for your comments on Part 9 of my story \:wub\: You won't have to wait long for Part 10, It should be out within the next 2 or 3 days \:D Until then, have a great few days \;\)

YukosanJun 7, 2009

Also thanks for the comment on the story \:wub\: I still can't wait for the next part of Blood and Tears. \;\)

YukosanJun 7, 2009

I'm so glad you managed to have a good time! \:D I can see why you thought it wasn't going to be that fun, because it's hard not to be nervous or worried about it, then you got all the popular people there. :\ Haha, that's so neat that you got a dress for that much, and still received compliments. \:\) I don't see why some people spend so much money on a dress that they plan on wearing for one night, for a few hours... it just doesn't seem worth it. I'm just very happy that your last day went well. Your friend sounds pretty cool, Chinese huh? That will be very neat. \:D I managed to get into Chinese (Mandarin) next year, too. The school I go to is only just now offering it. Weird! So you will speak Chinese to me when you learn some of it from your friend? \;\) They want me to take Spanish II (did Spanish I this year) but I really don't want to, I can basically understand a lot of it by now anyway. But oh well. It's just awesome that you were happy about the dance. I am never going to dance, lol. \:P Once at the first dance of the year I think, I didn't go to it, but my friends went. And they told this person that I liked them. Turns out him and his friends were name-droppin me the whole night, saying that I talked less then an electric vaccum cleaner (WTF?), because I guess I don't talk a lot according to other people. When my friend told me, I thought I was going to die. \:puke\: I don't care if they don't like me back, but they have to go and start that stuff for no reason, then they're not worth it. It was the first time I told someone I liked them too. But now I could care less. \:\) My last day was about like any other day, but it was nice knowing that there was no more work to be done for a while. \:P So good-bye to school and hello summer. \:D \:D

shaml_sim Jun 6, 2009

Hi there \:\) Thanks for your comments on Part 8 of my Angel story \:wub\: Yea, poor Shana, I know \:\( Part 9 should be out in the next week, so hold on till then!! Have a great weekend \:D

YukosanJun 5, 2009

Yes! \:\) -dances with you- \:D Awww. The last day makes you reflect upon things. I think I know what you are meaning \:\) you can feel if you've changed over the year and see that some friends you have kept and some have faded away. At the beginning of the year school was the absolute hell for me, but now that I've changed schools things are a LOT better. Haha, I am like doing nothing today, just going to be happy knowing that the last day is over. Next year will be my 10th year. At least you are going to the dance! I do wish you luck and hope that you have a great time there. \:wub\: Try not to be too nervous. \;\) If you're going to the 8th grade dance, then really enjoy it, since you are going into high school next year \:D

YukosanJun 4, 2009

\;\) Oh, that is true. \:\( That's another thing, pricey when they first come out. Nice math on your brother's part, though. \:P Whenever you do have both of them in your possesion, that will be a happy day. \:\) Just might be a lil while, huh. Haha, I am excited too though! I got two days left, too. \:D Thursday and Friday. Wo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o! \:cool\: \;\) \:\) \:D

YukosanJun 3, 2009

Wow, double-release \:D but yeah, it is pretty exciting. What are you going to get first, Sims 3 or Advent Children Complete? \:P Or both at the same time? :P I can't wait to hear what people have to say about it \:cool\: not sure if I will get it myself, but we'll see. I just don't want to give up all the stuff on sims 2. Got a few people who are gonna tell me how it is. \;\) I bet it will be all sold out at Walmart for a while, and that would be the only place to get it around here, besides a game store that is like an hours drive away. Well, I'm glad the wait is finally over anyway, \:wub\: so you will get it play it

YukosanJun 2, 2009

Yeah I can imagine! Lol, but that's okay. I think it's hard to not be annoyed at family sometimes, at least the ones that you live with. \:confused\: Who knows, maybe as you both get older, you will get along more, then when you're adults you will be best friends. That's what I'm hoping for you, at least. \:D And thank you for your very sweet comment on my new story. \:wub\: I bet you are happy today, Sims 3! :P

PenelopeTJun 1, 2009

P.S., the fire in screenshot #45 was from one of the sculptures. Lilith and Frances were at the Sights & Sculptures park that comes with the Downtown neighborhood in Nightlife.

PenelopeTJun 1, 2009

Well I am very happy that you liked the way 'Lilith's Journey' ended. Dirk didn't quite get punished it the end...but maybe he did. Kimmy is quite a handful. \:\) Thanks for commenting throughout the series. ~ Pene

YukosanMay 30, 2009

Lol \:\) \:D that's good that you get along with him. I think even if a brother and sister happen to get along a lot of the time, they will seem annoying to eachother at at least one point. \;\) But your bro seems cool. Hmm. Your mother may be right. Since like you said, it might be hard for you to see eye to eye with your sister at this time. I think you will be good friends when you're older too, but who knows eh? I can't even get along with my brother, honestly I'd rather not see him \:rolleyes: but I shouldn't complain. Heh, there are so many new things since the old times we grew up in. I remember all of the things like the cool toys from the 90s... \:P good times.

shaml_sim May 30, 2009

Hey! \:D Many thanks for your latest comment on my story \:wub\: Well, you may hate cliffhangers but it will make you want to read the next part even more now, but no hints as to what happened \:P hehe. I hope to have Part 8 out in the next 4 or 5 days, fingers crossed \:\) Have an awesome weekend!

YukosanMay 29, 2009

Sorry. \:\( I'm really hoping they show back up. Hmmmmm. Well, the story upload thing wasn't working a little bit ago, but now it seems to be alright. I think I got that same error you did, so I guess it just has issues sometimes? My stories have just disappeared from where you edit them at. \:puke\: But I'm glad you're working on the third part. \:\) \:D It's okay if it takes you a while to get it all done, the time is worth waiting. \:\) Hope you get over the difficulties, though. \;\) And that's sweet that your brother is your twin \:eek\: \:D

YukosanMay 28, 2009

Hehe, it's no problem! I love how you write, because a lot of things I read make me wanna just skim through them >.> but with yours my attention stays on it \:\) ! Very, very good. Oh, and my story. Err, I think tsr might still have a few problems, I can't seem to find my story, or the draft for part 2 I had uploaded. \:confused\: Or maybe it's just my computer. I was almost done writing part 2. If it shows up again, then I'll submit. Weirdness. Lol. But yay, school is almost out!! Just gotta do exams and stuff, \:wacko\: . I can't wait either!!! I really can't wait to start going swimming a lot.

shaml_sim May 27, 2009

Hey! You're a twin? That's awesome, twins are cool, though that may sound strange, haha \:D Um..I really don't know where I got the story from. I decided on the start just from an idea I had but then it just sort of progressed. I didn't really have inspiration from anything, just an idea I put into motion \:confused\:

shaml_sim May 27, 2009

Hi, thanks again for reading and commenting on the latest part to my story, it's much appreciated \:wub\: Part 7 should be out by the end of the week I hope. Have a great day!

drewsolteszMay 26, 2009

thanks so much for reading and commenting on "The Younger Man" Have a new story posted, 'The Princess and the Saddle Tramp' Hope you can check it out, look forward to a comment, cheers~

YukosanMay 26, 2009

Oh, you don't have to be sorry. \:wub\: It's okay, I don't expect you to be able to reply quickly all the time, since things happen and sometimes you can get really busy all of a sudden. So don't worry about it. \;\) Everyone is so excited about Sims 3! I dunno if I will get it or not. Hehe, hopefully your behavior has been good so you get it \:P jk! You are fine, so you should get it right away, yes? I wonder how it will run on most computers. If I got it, I would have to get rid of all Sims 2 stuff (due to the games taking up so much space) and that would be hard... but oh well. It sucks that your 2 game crashed, so I can imagine you are realllllly pumped about Sims 3. Oh! You definitely /aren't/ being clingy, so don't think that! I appreciate you telling me the next part is out, I'm going to read it now. \:D -reading it- 0__0 you are just amazing. Wow! You are excellent at describing things! \:\) And everything else \:cool\: I honestly look forward to reading the next part; the story is done so well

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